Welcome to my animation page. This is one of the areas in my web site that will consistently be growing. What I have presented here at the moment are all models that I built in Alis Power Animator and Maya. The sidebar's models are really old work (which I don't have big pictures for anymore.) They were created in Lightwave, Strata Studio Pro, and Martin Hash's Animation Master.

Some of the above models might look familiar to you. They are: A Testors paint bottle, the truck side of a Tyco mini Rebound, the car side of a Tyco Mini Rebound, and a Macaw. The Motorcycle is a 1943 Harley WLA in military green. The fat guy is a model that I made that may be used in a production that I am working on. The skinny guy is for the same production.

I am now actively freelancing so if you like what you see and have some modeling, animation, or compositing that needs to be done, please e-mail me at J1432 @ Hotmail.com.

Here are the animations! Click on one to see the movie.

This page last updated 8/19/00